Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Exclusionary Rule

Contemporary Issues Paper: The Exclusionary Rule Jennifer Howell November 6, 2010 The Exclusionary Rule and Its Exceptions Introduction: The Exclusionary Rule The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures by law enforcement personnel. (US Const. amend. IV) Though the Amendment â€Å"forbids unreasonable searches and seizures, it does not provide a mechanism for prevention or a remedy. (Jackson, 1996) After passage of the Fourth Amendment, courts began to make laws regarding the rule against unreasonable searches and seizures.The courts designed a rule known as the Exclusionary Rule, which provided a remedy for the violation of a suspect’s Fourth Amendment privileges: any evidence seized in violation of the suspect’s rights and protections may not be used against the suspect in a criminal prosecution. The courts have been working and refining the exclusinary rule since its introduction in the 1900 ’s. (Exclusionary Rule, n. . ) The first case that applied the exclusionary rule was the case of Weeks v. United States, 232 U. S. 393, in which the Supreme Court â€Å"held that the Fourth Amendment barred the use of evidence secured through a warrantless search. † (Exclusionary Rule, n. d. ) The exclusionary rule requires an illegal action by a police officer or agent of the police, evidence secured as a result of the illegal action, and a â€Å"casual connection between the illegal action and the evidence secured. † (Evaluation, n. d. ) Exceptions to the Exclusionary RuleSince the introduction of the exclusionary rule, courts have found that it can not be enforced across the board, and have carved out a number of exceptions. These are: * The Impeachment Exception This exception allows the Government to offer illegally-seized evidence on cross-examination of the defendant to impeach the defendant after the defendant takes the stand and perjures himself. It sho uld be noted that the exception applies only to the testimony of the defendant, and not to any other witnesses. * The Independent Source ExceptionThis exception is a way of protecting the government’s case when the evidence was found â€Å"through an independent source sufficiently distinguishable to be purged of the primary taint. † (Jackson, 1996) That is, the evidence was seized not only illegally, but also legally. * The Inevitable Discovery Exception The inevitable discovery exception was established to allow the admission of illegally-seized evidence that, though it was discovered unlawfully and in violation of the Fourth Amendment, would have inevitably been discovered anyway, through lawful means. The Good Faith Exception When an officer acts on a search warrant and discovers evidence, and the search warrant is later determined to be invalid, the evidence can still be used as long as the officers acted in good faith that the warrant was valid at the time of its execution. This exception was developed because the purpose of the exclusionary rule was not designed to punish the errors of judges and magistrates, but to deter police misconduct. (Exclusionary Rule, n. d. ) * The Harmless Error ExceptionThe harmless error exception allows introduction of evidence as long as the evidence is determined to be â€Å"harmless† evidence – that is, it applies to immaterial issues. The evidence and circumstances are reviewed by the court, and the evidence has to be found harmless by a reasonable doubt. (Jackson, 1996) * The Rule of Attenuation The Court established the â€Å"rule of attenuation,† which allows the introduction of illegally-seized evidence when â€Å"the Fourth Amendment violation is sufficiently far from the discovery of the evidence as to dissipate the taint. (Jackson, 1996) The Courts have provided three factors for Courts to apply to determine if the rule of attenuation applies: â€Å"(1) the length of time betw een the illegality and the seizure of evidence, (2) the presence of additional intervening factors; and (3) the degree and purpose of the official misconduct. † (Jackson, 1996) Legal Implications of the Exclusionary Rule The exclusionary rule and the development of its exceptions are of vital legal importance to the people of the United States.The courts have reasoned that illegally obtained evidence can not be used in a trial to do so would be to condone unconstitutional behavior, thereby â€Å"compromising the integrity of the jury. † (Jackson, 1996) The Fourth Amendment is a constraint on the power of the police officers, and gives the officers an incentive to control their power. The exclusionary rule has great legal implications in that it protects American citizens from officers and other State actors who have personal motivations that â€Å"may otherwise be in conflict with Fourth Amendment compliance. (Jackson, 1996) In fact, the Supreme Court has held that the abuses that gave rise to the exclusionary rule featured intentional conduct which was patently unconstitutional. (Herring, 2009)Political & Financial Implications There are political adversaries of the exclusionary rule, who argue that the rule protects criminals. However, studies show that the actual societal cost of the exclusionary rule is relatively small. The cumulative loss in felony cases attributable to Fourth Amendment violations and the subsequent exclusion of evidence is between . 6% and 2. 5%. (Davies, 1983) The exclusionary rule, while seemingly necessary to deter police misconduct, has financial implications in that when evidence is suppressed, the State may be unable to prosecute the case, and not only wastes the time and costs of the police department involved, but also the time and efforts of judges, court employees, and jurors. Interestingly, Mialon found in his study that the exclusionary rule directly reduces searches by police (in that it reduces chances of a s uccessful conviction) and it also indirectly increases them (via an increase in crime).The exceptions that have been carved out help deter these costs by ensuring that the only cases that are affected by the exclusionary rule are those that truly violated the Fourth Amendment rights of the defendant.Sources: Davies, Thomas (1983) A Hard Look at What We Know (and Still Need to Learn) About the â€Å"Costs† of the Exclusionary Rule: The NIJ Study and Other Studies of â€Å"Lost† Arrests. 1983 American Bar Foundation Research Journal 611,622 Evaluation of the Exclusionary Rule. Retrieved November 4, 2010, from http://www. essortment. com/all/exclusionaryrul_rmlx. htm Exclusionary Rule (n. . ). Retrieved November 3, 2010, from http://legal-dictionary. thefreedictionary. com/Exclusionary+Rule Herring v. United States. (2009) 129 S. Ct. 695 (via scholar. google. com)Jackson, Heather. (1996) Arizona v. Evans: Expanding Exclusionary Rule Exceptions and Contracting Fourth Amend ment Protection. The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, Vol 86, No. 4. Northwestern University School of Law. Mialon, Hugo and Sue Mialon. Abstract on The Effects of the Fourth Amendment: An Economic Analysis. Retrieved November 6, 2010, from http://jleo. oxfordjournals. org/content/24/1/22. abstract

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Side Kicks

The poem, â€Å"Side Kicks† has many different meanings. when you read the poem the surface meaning gives an explanation ot what a side kick is and does. It goes over the basics of a side kick. If you were to look at the deeper at the meaning of the poem, you would find something more. The poem talks about how a side kick isnt given the gift of good looks It also talks about sidekicks being brave and putting others before themselves. At certain times the sidekicks put themselves in front of bullets for others. They remind us ofa part of ourselves that depend on others (our herffs).The theme for this poem Is loyalty and being humble. In the poem, It talks about the side kick being loyal to the hero, not ever wanting a hero to die, and being humble around everyone. I was almost is tears when I came to the realization of the deeper meaning of the poem. The tone for this poem is kind of sad and yet touching at the same time, The poem mentions many names but doesnt give or mention the name of the main character. Through the characterization that the author gives us, we can find out a lot about the character.For example, the character seems to have a lot of knowledge so I assume me will be someone older. would assume sme was or Is a side kick because of their knowledge ot sidekicks and their feelings. It sounds like the main character relates well with sadness of death or a great loss because, s/he explains it well in the poem. I believe that Ronald has maybe put this part about death In the poem because some hero of his might of died at the time. Or maybe he noticed one of his student's hero was lost and decided to write about it. The characters tone in the poem seems to be sad and depressed.An example would be in the fifth paragraph f the poem which says (Website 3): Who could sit In a darkened theatre, listen to the organ music (Ilke a funeral) and watch the best of ourselves lowered into the ground (like a casket being lowered) while the rest stood up ther e, tears pouring off that enormous nose. (sad for the lost of their hero) In the first 2 lines when it refers to a darkened theatre with organ music, I picture it as a funeral hall. In the next sentence as he talks about the best of ourselves being lowered Into tne ground. I see tnls as our neros casket Delng lava to rest. nen tne ero is being buried, Ronald Koerge paints us a picture of a side kicks emotion when one is caught crying for their hero. In the last 2 sentences while he's talking about tears pouring off that enormous nose, I see it as a side kick being sad for the loss of their hero. The mood is set up so well that it makes you want to cry. The author uses a simile and a metaphor to tell a story in the poem. Ronald wrote this metaphor â€Å"a yodel of a voice or ears big as kidneys† to compare side kicks to heros. He describes side kicks voices as usually weak or unsure, as opposed toa eros voice which is usually strong, powerful and leading.Also using this simile â€Å"ears as big as kidneys† to describe how a hero's image or looks appear perfect or flawless, unlike a side kick with all its imperfections. There are two main symbolisms in the poem. The first symbol being the side kick, which symbolizes a child. The second is a hero, which symbolizes a parent. At the end of the poem it talks about how side kicks remind us of a part of ourselves that is like a child, never wanting to grow up and always wanting to look up to our hero's parents) for help and guidance.The poem also talks about how a side kicks' outward appearance is not perfect like a hero's, but they don't care or get Jealous of a hero because they look up to them for support or guidance. It talks about a side kick being sad because the best of ourselves (herds) lowered into the ground (funeral), tears pouring off that enormous nose (sad for the loss). This poem was written as a free verse. By not adding all the other sound effects, it made the poem more relatable. The fr ee verse style made the poems meaning deeper and more personal.To add any sound effects would ruin the poems impact it would have to its readers. Ronald Koertge has done a lot in school, both teaching and learning. He has also written books about teens and young adults (Website 1, 2). He noticed that everyone has a need for a hero and that there is a side kick in all of us. He talks about sidekicks and what they are. But even deeper, he tells how hard it is to be a side kick and what a side kick goes thru. The author also tells us how sidekicks remind us of our selves, the part that never wants to grow up and always has to depend on others.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Asian Immigrants in the Us

Asian immigrant families are faced with many challenges upon their arrival in the United States of America. One of the problems Asian immigrants face is fitting in. Asians have always been more traditional and family oriented. When they do things, they do it for their family. For generations parents have ingrained in their childrens mind that family is the most important thing in the world. That is not necessarily a bad thing, but its taught in a way that one must do everything for their family and not themselves. One author states that if one was to ask an Asian immigrant student what they want to do in their life they would most likely say something along the lines of being an engineer, and if one was to ask for an explanation as to why they choose that profession, the most common answer would be somewhere along the lines of â€Å"its for my family† or â€Å"because thats what my family wants me to do† (Eli Lieber 190). Author Eli Lieber explains that for an individual to go against his or her familys wishes is a big taboo for Asians (192). It is seen as an act of rebellion and a way of bringing disgrace to their family. Simple things such as following ones dream of becoming a famous singer, actor, or baker can be seen in the negative light in the Asian community. However, from an Americans perspective it is seen in the positive light as a strong willed individual just chasing their American dream. The American ideology of individuality clashes greatly with the traditional Asian ideology of togetherness. Americans are encouraged to chase after their individual dreams rather than focusing on helping their family. Asian parents encourage their children to become doctors, engineers, lawyers, and other high paying occupations that are well respected by people. American parents also wish for their children to be occupy one of those jobs, but they are also more lenient if their child wishes to be a chef, artist, photographer or any other jobs that arent considered to be as â€Å"important† to society. The differences between ideologies of these two cultures often make it hard for Asians to fit in with Americans simply because they have been taught that togetherness is more important than individuality throughout their whole life. Another problem that Asians are faced with when trying to fit in is the language barrier. Asians often have difficulty learning the English language, especially when they migrate to this country at an older age. The language barrier plays a significant role with their interactions with the native born Americans. Sociology professor, Baek Choi, explains that fluency in the English language plays a significant role in the â€Å"acculturation process of immigrants† (76). Professor Baek Choi goes on to explain that â€Å"acculturation is the process of adaptation and culture modification that occurs as a result of continuous contact between two different and distinct cultures. Oftentimes, it results in the change of beliefs, values and behavior of the immigrants† (197). The more fluent an immigrant is, the more likely they are to interact with the US born citizens simply because they have more confidence in themselves. They are able to understand what is going on around them, and can clearly communicate what it is they want or need with the non-Asian community. However, Asians are more likely to settle in places where there are lots of other Asians rather than venturing out to the non-Asian community. Being around people of their race helps them become more comfortable in their new country. One author states that in some cases these Asian communities become so large they actually resemble their native land (Rong and Grant, Ethnicity). Cities such as Little Saigon, Little Tokyo and Little India have sprung up in Southern California and are a great example for these Asian communities here in the United States. The comfort of these communities limits Asian immigrants contact with the native born Americans. In cases where these immigrants actually have to interact with U. S. Born citizens they often feel uncomfortable and are unable to communicate clearly with them. The difference of ideologies and the language barrier are often the cause for Asian immigrants having a hard time adjusting to their new home country. Things are just too different form what they are used to, and it often takes time for them to adjust properly. Sometimes, the relationship between parents and children become strained due to the new environment. When Asian families migrate to the United States they often bring young children with them. These children sometimes adapt to the new culture a lot faster than their parents because often the children is more exposed to the outside world than the parents. In the article â€Å"An Emergent Leadership Model Based On Confucian Virtues And East Asian Leadership Practices,† Lang, Irby and Brown explains that â€Å"cultural values provide guidance and protocols for peoples thought, attitudes, behaviors, and reactions to external conditions†. When Asian immigrant children are put in public schools they are introduced to the American ideology of individuality through their peers. This concept of individuality is one of Americas cultural values, and it is the exact opposite of the traditional Asian cultural value. As stated in the previous paragraph, Americans embrace the idea of individuality and encourage its citizens to do so, whereas Asian culture is focused more on family and their community as a whole. The introduction of these cultural values at a young age makes it easy for these young immigrants to embrace it. These non-native children, and just all children in general, are often faced with the want and need to â€Å"fit in† especially during their time from middle school to high school. The need to â€Å"fit in† is hard enough for U. S born citizens, but it is especially hard for immigrant adolescents. Culture and health professor of UCLA, Eli Lieber, claims immigrant teenagers are faced with more difficulties during this time of their life than non-immigrant teenagers because they have to find the balance between their two worlds (185). Depending on how close they are to their family or their peers, the teenager could lean towards one culture more than the other. In some cases the need to fit in often over rules the lessons their parents have instilled in their mind of doing things for their family. Like any other teenager, social life becomes more important than their family, and what their friends think is more important than what their family thinks of them. Asian parents often dont understand why this is happening to their child, they see it as an act of rebellion. These acts of rebellion can be as simple as changing the way they dress, how they style their hair, or it can be something much more drastic such as staying out later with friends or engaging in ruffian behavior. The teenagers however see nothing wrong with their actions, and view it as â€Å"normal† since that is how their American friends act. These misunderstandings can lead to a strain on the parent – child relationship. Parents often have a difficult time obtaining a job that can provide for their family. The number one reason why Asians have a difficult time finding a proper job is because of the language barrier. The language barrier, as stated in the previous paragraph, is the most difficult to overcome. Asians typically choose to stay within the safety of their ethnic community, but in most cases those communities dont provide well paid jobs. When Asians first arrived here in the United States, low wage jobs that required lots of work was the only thing that was offered to them (PEW, The Rise Of Asian Americans). Asians were typically discriminated against and were always given the worse end of the deals during the first surge of immigrants in the 1900s (Pew, The Rise of Asian Americans). However, after being pushed aside and discriminated against for the past century Asian immigrants have begun to pave their own roads and have set up some successful small businesses. These small, family owned businesses have sprouted all over Asian communities, sometimes they are successful and sometimes theyre not. Many Asian immigrants choose to either find a job within their ethnic community or open one up rather than venturing out into mainstream America to find a job. Immigrants choose to stay close to their community because that is what they are comfortable with. They are working with people who speak their language and eat the same food they eat. They dont feel the need to worry about whether or not they are fitting in or if what theyre doing is considered absurd by non-Asians. Even though many Asians choose to stay and work in the Asian community or open up their own business, these jobs may not be as successful. In some cases where an Asian immigrant decides to open up their own business they often use their family members as workers. According to Lee Sharons article, â€Å"Poverty and the U. S. Asian Population†, sometimes these family members are unpaid or paid really low wages, and those family members simply let it pass. This also applies to non-family workers of those small businesses. Asians generally believe that family should always stick together, even if it means working for free or a at a really low rate. First generation Cambodian immigrant Nary Ngeth states, â€Å"I have no problem working at my moms bakery for free. Shes my mom. † However when asked if U. S. born citizen Rachel Pike was willing to work for her parents store for free like Ngeth, she replies, â€Å"They would have to pay me. I can probably find a job that pays more than them. † The difference between the two cultures is obvious, one is willing to work for free because they are family while the other insists she is able to find a job that can pay more. This practice of underpaying relatives and Asian immigrant workers is harmful them. It prevents the workers from finding a proper job that can pay them fairly. Some first generation Asian immigrants that choose to find a job in the mainstream America often find themselves underemployed or end up with low wage jobs. A study done by Gordon F. De Jong and Anna Madamba states that Asian immigrants suffer from a â€Å"double disadvantage† (117). De Jong and Madamba claims, â€Å"The double disadvantage hypothesis of minority group and immigrant status is accepted only for Asian men and women with jobs mismatched to their skills and for Asian women who are most likely to be unemployed or be among the working poor† (118). This suggests that Asian immigrants are unable to get jobs they are qualified for and end up with jobs that are beneath their skill level. This can include low wage jobs such as maintenance, retail, etc. Even if an Asian immigrant is qualified for a high paying job the language barrier often sets them back. According to the article Asian American Assimilation : Ethnicity, Immigration, And Socioeconomic Attainment, written by C. N. Le, the lack of having advanced language skills is the most common reason for immigrants not getting a job. If co-workers are unable to communicate properly things will never be able to run smoothly and can actually harm the work place. English and Spanish is the most common language in this country. Its easy for Spanish speaking immigrants to land jobs because of the increase of Mexican and South American immigrants, but its difficult for Asians. In some cases native born Americans have a difficult time communicating with Asians because of their heavy accents. The underemployment, mismatched jobs, language barrier, and agreeing to work for low wages are the cause for Asian immigrants being unable to find a proper job that can provide for their family. First generation children are often faced with the most difficult challenges in the family. These children act as the bridge between the two worlds. If their parents speak little or no English the children become the translators. Sometimes these children are put in situations where they have to make difficult decisions, and if their parents have any questions regarding mainstream America they are the ones to seek out the answer for them. Things such as how to open up a bank account, applying for credit cards, paying bills, getting the right paper work for their business, etc. Parents not only rely on their children as a connection to the American world, but they also expect them to surpass the native born students in their studies. Asians have been called the â€Å"model minority† by Americans, they believe that all the other groups of immigrants should aspire to become more â€Å"Asian† in terms of their work ethic, and academic performances (Wing, 455). Education is highly prized in the Asian community. Parents expect nothing but the best from their children when it comes to their grades in school. Sometimes parents will punish their children if they perform lowly on a test or get a bad grade on their report card. Nary Ngeth says, â€Å"I remember I got a C in my P. E. Class for failing the swimming portion of the class. My mom was so mad, she made me sign up for public swimming lessons after taking away my phone. Because I got a C in P. E! † In 2007, Dr. Jean Wing conducted a study in Berkely High School to see whether or not Asians are the â€Å"model minority†. Wing was able to find the students GPA based on race, and overall Asians outperformed the Latinos and Africans. Wing was also able to figure out which race are ready to attend college based on the CSU and UC eligibility requirement. This showed that more Asians are college bound than Latinos and Africans. 70% of Asian seniors at Berkley are eligible to attend college, while only 32% of African Americans and 48% of Latinos are eligible (Wing, 462-465). The academic success of Asian students overall could be because of how supportive Asian parents are to their children when it comes to schooling. Parents remind their kids to study for tests, do their homework, work on their projects, etc. â€Å"My mom would always help me with math. Having her constantly hover over me while I work on my homework was irritating, but she helped my a lot. It was like having my own personal tutor,† explains Ngeth. Not only do first generation children have to deal with the pressure put on them by their family, but they also have to deal with the problems they are faced at school. First generation children are one of the first members of the family to learn the English language and it can be difficult for them. Sometimes they can be ridiculed by their peers because of the way their accents. As stated in the second paragraph these teenagers are trying to find the balance between the two world they are living in. Teenagers want to become accepted by Americans, but they also want their parents approval of their choices. In Eli Liebers study of Asian immigrant families and European American families he finds that the â€Å"arguments between parent and child from European American families center on â€Å"mundane details of family life: doing chores, getting along with siblings and appearance† (190). However, the conflict that Asian immigrant families face are centered on â€Å"parents disapproval of mainstream American attitudes toward dating and adolescents desire for independence, especially with regard to career choice and marriage† (190). Finding the balance between the two worlds can often take years to find. Finding that balance along with being the bridge between the two worlds and the pressure to perform well in academics are some of the things that first generation children are faced with. The number of Asian immigrants moving to this country has been steadily growing. According to PEW, in the past year Asians has surpassed Hispanics in the number of immigrants arriving in the United States (PEW, The Rise of Asian Americans). The Asian community has left lasting impacts in this nation. Just like all the other immigrants they are faced with many challenges, but Asians are faced with more. The inability to let go of their ideology of collectiveness makes it difficult for them to understand the American culture. This also has lead to the formation of clumps of Asian communities within the nation. Although this is not necessarily a bad thing, it prevents immigrants from venturing out and exploring what America has to offer them. The biggest problem Asian immigrants face upon their arrival is the difference between the two cultures and trying to find the balance between the two. Some choose to ignore the cultures of their new host country, choosing instead to stay within their own ethnic community and having very little interactions with the U. S. born citizens. Some however, choose to fully embrace the new culture and forget their own culture values and traditions in order to fit it with Americans. Asian immigrants must learn to find the right balance between the two. Its important to learn how to live in the new country but its also important to hold onto ones culture. If immigrants can find the perfect balance between the two cultures, they will be able to lead a successful lifestyle in America. Works Cited Baek Choi, Jong, and Madhavappallil Thomas. Predictive Factors Of Acculturation Attitudes And Social Support Among Asian Immigrants In The USA.   International Journal Of Social Welfare  18. 1 (2009): 76-84. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 Dec. 2012. De Jong, Gordon F. , and Anna B. Madamba. A Double Disadvantage? Minority Group, Immigrant Status, And Underemployment In The United States.   Social Science Quarterly (Blackwell Publishing Limited)  82. 10(2001): 117. Academic Search Premier. Web. 2 Dec. 2012. Eli Lieber, et al. Ethnic Identity, Acculturation, Parenting Beliefs, And Adolescent Adjustment: A Comparison Of Asian Indian And European American Families.   Merrill-Palmer Quarterly  53. 2 (2007): 184-215. Academic Search Premier. Web. 1 Dec. 2012. Lang, LingLing, Beverly J. Irby, and Genevieve Brown. An Emergent Leadership Model Based On Confucian Virtues And East Asian Leadership Practices.   International Journal Of Educational Leadership Preparation  7. 2 (2012):  ERIC. Web. 1 Dec. 2012. Le, C. N. Asian American Assimilation : Ethnicity, Immigration, And Socioeconomic Attainment. n. p. : LFB Scholarly Pub, 2007. eBook Collection (EBSCOhost). Web. 4 Dec. 2012. Lee, Sharon M. Poverty And The U. S. Asian Popu lation.   Social Science Quarterly (University Of Texas Press)  75. 3 (1994): 541-559. Academic Search Premier. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. Ngeth, Nary. Personal Interview. 09 Dec. 2012. PEW. The Rise of Asian Americans.   Pew Social And Demographic Trends. PEW Research Center, 19 June 2012. Web. 09 Dec. 2012. . Pike, Rachel. Personal Interview. 09 Dec. 2012. Rong, Xue Lan, and Linda Grant. Ethnicity, Immigrant Generation Status, And School Attainment Of Asians, Hispanics And Non-Hispanic Whites. (1990):  ERIC. Web. 7 Dec. 2012. Wing, Jean. Beyond Black And White: The Model Minority Myth And The Invisibility Of Asian American Students.   Urban Review  39. 4 (2007): 455-487. Academic Search Premier. Web. 7 Dec. 2012.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

How the theme of servant and master in the Tempest is connected to the Essay

How the theme of servant and master in the Tempest is connected to the scenic progression - Essay Example ..' however further on lines 348 and 349 we learn that Caliban tried to rape Miranda and was not sorry for it. He wished he could have succeeded as he says, 'Thou didst prevent me - I had peopled else/This isle with Calibans.' This seems to be the reason for Prospero treating Caliban this way and shows Calibans savage, vindictive nature. This quote shows they have exploited him by making him work for them and treating him as an inferior by relating him to an animal by calling him names such as 'tortoise'. However Prospero also says, 'we cannot miss him' which shows how Prospero and Miranda rely on him and should treat him with a little bit more respect. Other ways in which we see Prospero as the colonizer are he forced Caliban to learn his language and Miranda calls Calibans language 'gabble'. He also insults Calibans mother and refers to Calibans race as 'vile'. This is how colonizers would have behaved. They would see their race as far superior. Prospero is also viewed as a colonizer because he uses force to control Caliban. He says, '...I'll rack thee with old cramps/Fill all thy bones with aches, make thee roar...' This shows that if Caliban is not willing to obey and do things for Prospero he will make him do it by inflicting pain upon him. This is how some f the colonizers would have behaved because they wanted control. This shows Caliban is paying fo... This is how some f the colonizers would have behaved because they wanted control. We see Caliban as the colonized native because he was stupid enough to show Prospero all the resources f the island and then he lost his island to Prospero. Caliban tells us this by saying, '...And then I loved thee And showed thee all the qualities o' the 'sle, The fresh springs, brine-pits, barren place... Cursed be I that did so!...' This shows Caliban is paying for his actions and wishes he had never have shown Prospero the good qualities f the island. This mirrors how the natives behaved. They genuinely welcomed the colonizers and treated them well. Again in Act 2 Scene 2 Caliban the same mistake again when he says to Stephano, ' I'll show thee every fertile inch o' th'island. And I will/kiss thy foot - I prithee be my god.' Here we can see that Caliban is making the same mistake again which leads us to believe he really is dumb and fits into the category f the stereotypical native. However here Caliban can be seen as quite intelligent as he sees Stephano as a softer master and an easier way to eventually be free. We know this because Caliban sings, 'No more dams I'll make for fish, Nor fetch in firing At requiring, Nor scrape trenchering, nor wash dish, ....Has a new master-get a new man. Freedom, high-day, high-day freedom' Although Caliban appears to be smart here he says in his song he will no longer have to do these tough tasks Prospero makes him do even though he promised to do them for Stephano. When Prospero first came to the island he was nice to Caliban they way Stephano is being but that could change when Caliban does not do what he promised and Stephano could end up being a harder master. Evidence that Caliban was colonised by Prospero is that he is

Answer questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Answer questions - Essay Example osition but they are very good leaders and able to achieve the charity objective through various activities and lead team mates towards the same direction. Richard Branson is another example. He is a leader and has lead from the front to place VIRGIN group at the pinnacle, far ahead of the competitors and now he does not need to manage organization or personnel. For him, it is more important to set vision/direction and lead followers in the that direction. And below him, he has group of good managers to manage the organization. There are also some disadvantages of group activity that members face, like pressure to conform to group standards of performance and conduct. Some work groups might ostracize a person who is much more productive than his/her co-workers. Shrinking of individual responsibility is another problem frequently noted in groups. Just like Roosevelts old saying â€Å"Speak softly and carry a big stick; you will go far† McGregor proposes is behind this kind of radish (incentive reward) adds the big stick-like management. By now administrative personnel’s responsibility and the corresponding mode of administration are: Superintendents role is a guardian, is the direction and guidance. What the management cares is how to raise the labor productivity, to complete the task; manager`s main function is the plan, the organization, the management, the direction, the surveillance, like the time allowance, the technical schedule and so on. Staff should obey instructions, if the staff violates these stipulations, management uses penalty; and for obeying the rules there are monetary rewards; The management may or may satisfy persons physiological needs as well as safety requirement in each kind of condition. The advantage of management entices for the staff, or punishes depending on the strict system, but it can use any regardless of which treatment stimulates the staff from exterior, enhances their work enthusiasm. Although research on each kind of driving

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Increase in Economic Growth does not Necessarily Lead to an Increase Essay

Increase in Economic Growth does not Necessarily Lead to an Increase in Human Well-Being - Essay Example There are many definitions to the term economic growth; however, economists agree that economic growth refers to the growth in goods and services that a country produces over a period of time; this growth is measured in gross domestic product (GDP) (La Grandville, 2011, p536). GDP includes the goods and services that a country produces, that is to mean the personal expenditure of the people in the country added to the government expenditure and the net exports, which is the value of exports minus imports (Contanza, Hart, Posner and Talberth, 2009, 3). There have been various concerns by economists of how well GDP measures the well-being of individuals in a country with most of them arguing for differentiation between economic growth and economic well-being. This paper will therefore analyse critically the claim that an increase in levels of economic growth does not necessarily translate to increase in the well-being of individuals. The idea of well being of an individual can be eithe r objective or subjective. In the objective well-being, individuals use material goods that are measurable such as buying a new house or car among other material gains. However, economic growth is not usually associated with improved material well being because some of the factors that cause the economic growth also cause negative impacts in the society such as exploitation, environmental degradation or unequal spread of the wealth. GDP as a measure of well being of individuals’ measure the value of intermediate goods, which are not enjoyed by people rather they are used to produce other goods and services. In addition, the exclusion of military expenditure from GDP since there is no measurable output undermines the improvement in the quality of life that people enjoy due to military operations to secure the boarders of a country hence reducing criminal activities (D’acci, 2011, 49). The subjective well being of is the state of happiness that is usually brought about b y the enjoyment of the material wealth. In most of the instances, the subjective well-being, which is the psychological utility of the good that an individual has, is used to measure the variations in the objective well being of the individual. Research has found out that in some instances even with improves material wealth of a country, the happiness levels do not improve , however this claim has been refuted as in most instances the wealthier a country becomes the happier the residents are as wealth leads to increased levels of expressed happiness (Oswald ,1997, 1815). In addition, the levels of happiness that an increase in material wealth brings are usually attached to the social expectations and aspirations. Therefore even if economic growth increased the material wealth of an individual, the economic standards benchmark will rise, the individual will therefore remain at the same position or be worse off relative to the new economic standards and expectations which in return do es not making him any happier. In addition, the increase in employment that is brought about by economic growth does not necessarily lead to increased well being of an individual (Kenny, 1999, 6). Research conducted by the international labour organisation has showed that over 40% of workers are classified as poor, this happens when the employment increases without accompanying increase in productivity of each worker, it has been confirmed in East Asian countries such as Vietnam where increased levels of productivity among employees have led to reduction in poverty levels in the country. The idea that economic growth d

Friday, July 26, 2019

Matrix Factorization Techniques for Recommendation Systems (Netflix Research Paper

Matrix Factorization Techniques for Recommendation Systems (Netflix Prize) - Research Paper Example We will also describe an incremental variant of the MF that effectively undertakes new users and rating that is fundamental within the real life recommender system. A hybrid MF-neighbor based method is further discussed in regard to advancing the prevailing performance of the MF. The proposed methods are mainly examined on the Netflix Prize dataset and mainly depict that they can be accomplish very favorable Quiz RMSE, which is the best sole method :0.8904, combination: 0.8841 and corresponding running time. The Netflix Prize competition of 2006 showed that the Matrix Factorization techniques are greater to archetypal closest-neighbour techniques in the production of product recommendations and lets the inclusion of extra material like inherent feedbacks, self-assurance levels and chronological effects. There are floods of choices for contemporary consumers. Electronic dealers and content suppliers offer a vast choice of products with exceptional openings to meet a range of distinct needs and preferences. As a trend observed of late, more retailers have had an exponential positive change in interest to many purchasers with the most fitting products which is vital in the enhancement of user content and loyalty. In so doing, it evaluates trends of customer interests to offer rather custom-made recommendations which are in accordance to customer preference (Ricci, 124-198). Netflix, an e-commerce leader has recommender structures as prominent fragments of its website that are observantly b eneficial for music, movies and TV shows. Quite a huge number of users will check a similar movie while each and every one of the users views various dissimilar movies. These users have shown the will to indicate their satisfaction levels with specific movies and thus a massive volume of data is available about what particular movies charm which users. Various known corporations analyze the available information to provide a recommendation on movies particular to

Thursday, July 25, 2019

CEO Project---Pepsico Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

CEO Project---Pepsico - Research Paper Example Employee goals should be defined through job descriptions, which should incorporate employees’ goal responsibilities. This will allow employees to dedicate their time in performing roles that will enable PepsiCo achieve its goals in change strategy. The process of identification of value addition is very important. It involves distinguishing activities that add value and should be retained, activities that do not add value but cannot be avoided by a company and those activities that do not add value and the company should eliminate them (ÄÅ'iarnienÄâ€" and VienaÃ… ¾indienÄâ€", 2012). The process of value identification involves workers, experts and customers in identifying product aspects that are of extreme significance. These are the aspects that should be given priority in this project (Mcleod, 2009). Analysis of the PepsiCo’s aims and objectives shows that the company aims to lead in consumer products in the world that produces convenient foods and beverages. The company also seeks to enrich its employees through growth opportunities and ensure that investors get financial rewards (PepsiCo, 2014). PepsiCo seeks to achieve excellent and sustainable financial performance. The company also aims at ensuring human sustainability through its products, as well as environmental sustainability (PepsiCo, 2011). Based on the above mission, aims vision and objectives of PepsiCo, recommended strategy changes should be implemented on a timely basis to ensure success of the company. These features that require implementation of change include PepsiCo’s policies, functional strategy and business strategy. PepsiCo has invested in research and development and high quality operations to ensure that safe products are provided to consumers (Nooyi & Johnston, 2014). The next step will involve identification of the long term strategic plans and short term strategic plans. In this case, long term strategic

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

An Analysis of the Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission Essay

An Analysis of the Citizens United vs Federal Election Commission Ruling in the Context of Equal Right - Essay Example By way of brief background, the case takes root in 2008 when a non-profit corporation, Citizens United, released a documentary entitled â€Å"Hillary† that was made to target the former Senator who was at the time vying for the nomination of the Democrats. The Supreme Court ruled that electioneering communications fell under the protective ambit of the First Amendment. It therefore overruled the case of Austin v. Michigan Chamber of Commerce, which banned the use of treasury money by corporations to campaign for or against particular candidates, and the case of McConnell v. Federal Election Commission, which upheld the restrictions on electioneering communications imposed on corporate expenditures. Many had called it an affirmation of the First Amendment as guaranteed by the Constitution, but many more felt that the Court was privileging corporate interests and was hijacking the integrity of the elections. There has also been an unfortunate tendency to label those who support Citizens United as conservatives and those who oppose it as more progressive. In this paper, I argue that the decision was in fact an affirmation of free speech and was in fact a celebration of civil liberties. I also argue that the opposite outcome would in the long run have more deleterious effects on the First Amendment. ... h comes from a corporation.† It also states that â€Å"Because speech is an essential mechanism of democracy—it is the means to hold officials accountable to the people—political speech must prevail against laws that would suppress it by design or inadvertence.† It then proceeded to say that corporations and human beings both have a right to free speech that the government is dutybound to protect. Said Justice Kennedy, â€Å"Distinguishing wealthy individuals from corporations based on the latter’s special advantages of,  e.g.,  limited liability, does not suffice to allow laws prohibiting speech.† Another point that was made by the decision was that deciding against Citizens United would render other institutions vulnerable censorship. The majority opinion reminds us that newspapers are corporations as well, and thus they may well be gagged from political communication if the Citizens case was decided in the opposite way. This does not bo de well for the future of media and journalism. Indeed, their freedom must be zealously guarded as it constitutes a bedrock of our democracy. Opponents of the decision, however, are sceptical that the protection of free speech is indeed the agenda of the decision – noting that historically, corporate interests have often trumped public interest, and wondering if this is yet another example of the unfortunate pattern. â€Å"If the ban is struck down†, says Cohen (2009) corporations may soon be writing large checks to the same elected officials whom they are asking to give them bailouts or to remove health-and-safety regulations from their factories or to insert customized loopholes into the tax code.† Fears have been raised that the decision will see an emergence of corporate lobbying in even grander scale than present:

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Conversation of Authors and Scriptures Personal Statement

A Conversation of Authors and Scriptures - Personal Statement Example I'm enthusiastic in comprehending what exactly happens when someone is writing and how I can learn the art of writing. By the way, I realize that every author is keen about the choice of words and, according to Stevenson, "the first merit which attracts in the pages of a good author, or the talk of a brilliant conversationalist, is the apt choice and contrast of words employed." (Stevenson, 2) Therefore, every author will be very careful about the choice of their words and other such techniques. Teacher: You said it exactly. Writing is an art which every student needs to comprehend during his or her course of study and I really appreciate your efforts to learn the process of writing. Writing is also a cognitive process and every writer makes several revisions to his/her writing. It is also important for the beginners to concentrate on bringing judgments based on their own experience in writing. Let us remember that "Sommers notes the disparity between how writing textbooks teach composting and how experienced writers really compose and she calls for careful research into cognitive processes in writing In "I Stand Here Writing" (1993), Sommers again emphasizes that students should bring judgments based on their own experience to their writing of academic essays." (Babin and Harrison, 95) Therefore, the student authors should be cautious about producing their strong voices in their writing and about the process of making revisions. That is to say, the students, following the a dults, need to revise at the global level rather than revising at word or sentence level. Sommers: Of course, what all things the teacher told you are greatly useful to the student writers. In fact, they are the results of my important research on students' writing practices. As I can state from my personal experience, there is the immense relationship between a writer's personal life and his/her writing. A writer also should have, like Roland Barthes had, an urge toward scientific enquiry and a strong desire to write. "There is in Barthes, although not stressed either by him or his commentators, a strong, spontaneous and optimistic urge toward scientific enquiry According to a logic the crucial moment is not so much the finished product, the oeuvre, as the activity of writing, the idea of writing, and above all, the desire to write. And despite his widely admired performance as a stylist, it is only because Barthes shares this attitude that he claims recognition as a poet himself" (Lavers, 32) Barthes: Yeah, you are obviously right Sommers. However, you need to emphasize my important point: my critique of the French classical style of writing. In my book Writing Degree Zero, I "was concerned with the French classical style of writing. This style, which emerged in court society in the seventeenth century, prided itself upon clarity and preciseness of expression, and set itself up as a universal model of standard for all writing." (Strinati, 98) However, I realized that the French classicism was neither neutral nor natural and inevitable. My book Writing Degree Zero developed a style which rejects the idea of politically committed writing and values colourless, transparent, neutral, blank and impersonal writing style.     Ã‚  

Kevin Stevenson retires as AASB Chair Essay Example for Free

Kevin Stevenson retires as AASB Chair Essay This media article is about the accomplishments and achievements of Kevin Stevenson regarding his retirement from Chairman of the Australian Accounting Standards Board on 30th June 2014. (Media releases, 2014) While Kevin Stevenson was in his position, he ensured the long traditions of financial reporting was being supported both internationally and domestically and that counseling was provided for the issues raised about FRC. (Media releases, 2014) Mr. Stevenson was the first to research, develop and create Accounting Standards Advisory Forum which is dealt within International Accounting Standards Board. The AASB’s Research Centre was established while Stevenson worked as the Asian-Oceanian Standard Setters Group’s chair. His leadership focus was mainly on the interest of the public. This was stated by Lynn Wood, FRC’s chair and trustee of the IFRS Foundation. Ian Mackintosh, the former Chair of the PSASB of Australia and Deputy Chair of IASB was in agreement with this statement. (Media releases, 2014) According to Mackintosh, Mr. Stevenson has largely contributed to have Asian countries to join IFRS, like Nepal and Korea. From the beginning of the 1970s, Stevenson has put all his attention in setting principal based standards and developing a Conceptual Framework to be used in financial reporting. Mr. Stevenson supported accounting regulations as it was evidenced by his organisation and also by Australian Accounting Research Foundation. He has also been appointed as a director of AARF while watching AARF grew with it’s development of regulations. He was a leader and was in the most important position when setting the international pace to develop the common accounting standards for both the public and the private sectors. (Media releases, 2014) Stevenson has contributed in the formation of the Public Sector Accounting. He took a significant role in the establishment of International Financial Reporting Standards in 2005 and this Standard has widely been used in Australia and the entire Europe. (Media releases, 2014) Concepts, ideas and facts There are two important components that need to be satisfied to offer accounting services exhibiting high efficacy and quality. These are teamwork and leadership. Management models in accounting services need to employ strategic human resource techniques to teams in accounting teams and leadership positions in order to provide high-quality services in the shortest time possible. The operation of accounting services operates under a clear and concise manner and performs its measurement. Therefore, to provide the best accounting services and not get involved in fraud accounting, there needs to be an ultramodern investigation that uses scientific leadership when working as a team with major stakeholders (Topic 2, 2014). Stevenson was leading in the right direction by using new techniques in accounting. These techniques of accounting were important steps which need leaders with efficient skills to apply concepts like efficacy, cost benefit analysis, economies of scale and cost-effectiveness analysis that will progressively measure improvement. To resolve a core issue of the organization and get a competent solution, it is important to acquire efficient leadership. Strategic leadership in accounting provides quality and up to date accounting services to an organization. Leadership like that of Stevenson, brings together all of the incomplete system consisting of thousands of accountants working within a fragmented system of organizations. (Topic 7, 2014) Advanced fraud investigation is developed through effective teamwork and leadership in accounting. Leaders’ decisions are encouraged to be made by considering social and moral implications so it will have a positive effect on the shareholders and customers of the organization, such as the leadership of Stevenson’s. (Topic 7, 2014) Every employee bears an ethical responsibility to act in an ethical manner and make sure that their company does is tax compliant and allows reasonable deductions. Employees should ensure that the company appropriately allocates the importance of the business activities. The Accounting Issue The best way to improve the truthfulness in accounting and financial reporting is by ensuring that ethical standards are used through efficient manners of reporting, sufficient financial management and a strong system of governance. Maintaining a right to the truth is an ethical practice in financial reporting and accounting. Both the clients and stakeholders of an organization have the right to information that is true and accurate when making any investment discussions. It is the legal obligation of any accountant to provide services that are professional and competent and this should be done within their required skills. It is a common argument that a large number of accountants do not have the ability to recognize and solve ethical dilemmas in an ethical manner. This has made it necessary to incorporate ethics education as a key element in the accounting profession. Early initiation of the inclusion of professional values and ethics should be emphasized in the accounting profession. Major issue of the article Stevenson clearly shows that ethical management and taking responsibility to act in the best interest of the company that they are providing accounting services for, relates with providing accurate and truthful records. This beneficial not only to the organization, but also to the society in general (Media releases, 2014) Management should be ethical by being honest, accurate and complete when dealing with financial data and have ethics held in place. Every employee bears the responsibility to make decisions that are wise and up to date for the future well-being of the company. The accounting standards are useful in financial reporting and accounting as they are critically examined when processed. (Topic 2 , 2014) In order to uphold the highest code of ethics, organizations should emphasize on the major functions because shareholders and customers often make their decisions based on financial and accounting reports. Mr. Stevenson’s case is a clear demonstration of the importance of legal and ethical factors in accounting and financial reporting. It is through these two issues that Mr. Stevenson was able to establish effective departments of accounting and financial reporting and design specific rules that govern general functioning of any company. Relevant topics and theories Positive Accounting Theory plans for the future and gives information of what is currently not known. Financial reporting has its history with Positive Accounting Theory applied. It has focused its major interest on various aspects of accounting techniques which has provided an informative background with in depth details of the functionality of accounting in financial reporting (Topic 2, 2014) The application of financial reporting and accounting is concerned with all the future business of a company that relates to any economic unit. There are four main ethical elements involved in accounting and financial reporting. These elements are truthfulness, objectivity, autonomy and competence and they require employees in the accounting and financial reporting profession to act independently towards the clients to whom they offer their services. They should ensure that their desire to attain better living and to acquire more wealth should not be an obstacle to their financial responsibilities. Obligations of ethics greatly affect the decisions of accounting and financial reporting. Also helps solving unfair situations that may alter information symmetry. (Topic 2, 2014) The decision by Nepal and Korea to join the IFRS was based on the financial guidelines that govern accounting and financial reporting. Every employee in the accounting and financial reporting profession, whether in a private or public company bears an ethical responsibility to act in a manner that is loyal and impartial to his or her obligation when reviewing both the financial or individual reports of an organization. It is quite normal for accountants and financial reporters to encounter possible ethical violations when working. As a result, one should maintain carefulness and desist from manipulation of financial records as this is a violation of ethical guidelines. The important elements of normative accounting theory are the integrity and being open to public scrutiny. For some companies to maintain certain public image they may receive pressure from management. Most companies in the public sector are faced with the pressure to be seen as highly successful. Consequently, it becomes an ethical concern for the company to maintain ethical reports of the company assets because the pressure from management could fail them to resist the temptation (Topic 2, 2014). Management should not manipulate the company’s financial records and alter the figures in an effort to create an image that falsely portrays the company as successful. This is often temporary because it only portrays the prosperity of the company on a short term basis before the fraud is detected by the Securities and Exchange Commission (Topic 2 , 2014). Such manipulation, which is often based on poor decision making skills aims at putting up a false image of the financial status of the company and only has negative effects on the well-being of the company. Accounting professional should by all means disregard such practices. Despite the temptation associated with manipulating financial records, management should act as the last defense tool against accounting fraud. For these reasons, accounting theories assert that companies should maintain their ethical vigilance in order to avoid any potential breach of conduct (Callahan, 2014). Every individual engaging in any activity relating to financial reporting and accounting should uphold the highest standards of ethical behavior. It is through these standards that guidelines and rules are set to guide employees in performing their professional responsibilities. Question 2 In comment letter 1, the Financial Reporting Committee of the IMA wrote this letter to express its opinion on financial accounting standards, to simply the income statement presentation by eliminating the concept of extraordinary items. The FRC is in charge of several accounting books of different companies. This basically means that FRC has the responsibility of making timely responses to statements, pronouncements, research legislation, proposals and pending legislation. Their main concern in this comment letter is the complexion of financial statements within FASB. They support the simplified financial statements adopted by the board which is easier for common people to understand CITATION Sch l 1033 (Schroder, 2014). Their support is on the elimination of very unusual items as in most times this criterion is not satisfied. Their proposal to simplify the income statement gets rid of the tedious work in the preparation of financial documents. Their support is based on the fact that the allocation of time in preparing income tax reduces to a great extend by eliminating the occurrence of other income items. They thus advocate for a thorough examination of the details of this suggested proposal CITATION Sch l 1033 (Schroder, 2014). In comment letter number 2, Marcum Accountants and Advisors write to the FASB to simplify the income statement by eliminating the concept of extraordinary items regarding the proposed accounting standards. Their letter is generally a response to several questions regarding the process of simplification of the income statement. They support the concept of elimination of extra ordinary items from the General Accounting principles. Their argument is based on where the extra ordinary items make the application difficult in accounting practice CITATION Giu14 l 1033 (Giugliano, 2014). They thus support the application for extra ordinary items in previous accounting periods. A sudden change of the rules would otherwise lead to confusion in the accounting practice CITATION Top14 l 1033 (Topic 2 , 2014). The ease of application with the proposed update makes it easy to make these recommended changes to adopt. They thus suggest the immediate adoption of the proposed update. They agree with the decision made by the board which was to comply with the principle of separate disclosure of infrequent transactions. They also suggest the importance of offering guidance on deciding the unusual item. CITATION Giu14 l 1033 (Giugliano, 2014) Proper definitions should be provided of the unusually occurring items. In comment letter 3, Ford Motor Company also writes supporting the simplification of financial report assessed and initiated by FASB. Their agreement is based on the reasonable evaluation, identification and improvement of the generally accepted accounting principles CITATION Cal14 l 1033 (Callahan, 2014). This thus means that by reducing the complexity and simplifying the income statement, it will possibly reduce the cost of application. They are also in agreement with the board that such an update would not lead to data loss. The overall benefit would be to the end users of such financial statements. References Callahan, S. (2014). Comment Letter No. 6 (1st ed.). FORD MOTOR COMPANY. Retrieved from Callahan, S. (2014). Comment Letter No. 6 (1st ed.). FORD MOTOR COMPANY. Retrieved from Giugliano, G. (2014). Comment Letter No. 5 (1st ed.). MARCUM LLP. Retrieved from Media releases,. (2014). Kevin Stevenson retires as AASB Chair. Proposed Accounting Standards Update. (2014) (1st ed.). Retrieved from Schroeder, N. (2014). Comment Letter No.2 (1st ed.). IMA/FRC. Retrieved from Topic 2 The role of ethics in accounting. (2014). Topic 6 International Accounting. (2014). Topic 7 Normative Accounting theories. (2014). Source document

Monday, July 22, 2019

Pythagoras Theorem and Financial polynomials Essay Example for Free

Pythagoras Theorem and Financial polynomials Essay Pythagoras Theorem and Financial polynomials Introduction                   Ahmed and Vanessa have interest in locating a treasure, which is buried. It is my responsibility to help the two locate it. First, I will help them locate it by the use of Pythagorean quadratic. As per Ahmed’s half, the treasure is buried in the desert (2x + 6) paces form the Castle Rock while as per Vanessa’s half she has to walk (x) paces to the north then walk (2x + 4) paces to the east. According to the Pythagorean theorem, every right angled triangle with length (a) and (b) as well as a hypotenuse (c), has a relationship of (a2 + b2 = c2) (Larson Hostetler, 2009).                   In Ahmed and Vanessa’s case, I will let a=x, b =2x+4 and then c=2x+6. To follow, will be my efforts to put the measurements above into the real Pythagoras theorem equation as follows: X2+ (2x+4)2=(2x+6)2 this is the equation formed out of the Pythagoras Theorem X2+42+16x+16 = 42+ 24x+36 are the binomials squared x2 42 on both sides can be subtracted out. X2+16x+16 = 24x +36 subtract 16x from both sides X2+16 = 8x+36 now subtract 36 from both sides X2-20 = 8x X2-8x-20=0 I will use to solve the function by factoring using the zero factor. (x-) (x+) the coefficient of x2 Application and selection from the following (-2, 10: -10,2: -5,4; -4, -5) In this case, it seems that I am going to use -10 and 2 is as per how the expression looks like this (x-10)(x+2)=0 X-10=0 or x+2=0 creation of a complex equation x=10 or x=-2 these are the two probable resolutions to this equation.                   One of the two calculated solutions is an extraneous solutions, as it do not work with such sceneries. The remaining solution I only have is (X=10) as the number of paces Ahmed and Vanessa have to accomplish to find the lost treasure. As a result the treasure is 10 paces to the north 2x+4 connect the 10, now its 2(10)+4=24 paces to the east of Castle Rock, or 2x+6= 2(10)+6=26 paces from Castle Rock. Financial polynomial                   For the case of financial polynomials, I have first to write the polynomial without the parenthesis. Following the above, I have to solve for p= 2000 + r = 10% for part A and then solve for p= $5670 + r = 3.5% for part B, without the parenthesis as follows: P + P r + P r2/4 (the original polynomial) to reach this I followed the following steps: (1 + r/2)2 This is because it looks as if it is foil P(1 + r/2) P (1+r/2)(1+r/2) After the two equations I combine like terms. Because I am multiplying by 2 on r/2, it cancels out both 2’s and I then get left with is r as follows; P(1+ r/2 + r/2 + r2/4) P(1 + 2(r/2) + r2/4) I then write in descending order (P + Pr + Pr2) To solve for P=2000 and r=10% the following follows; P + Pr + Pr2/4 2000 + 2000 Ãâ€"(0.10) +2000Ãâ€" 0.1024 2000 + 200 + 5 = $2205 P(1+ r/2)2 2000Ãâ€"( 1 + .10)2 2000Ãâ€"(1.05)2 2000Ãâ€"( 1.1025) = $2205 For part B I will solve for P=5670 and r= 3.5% P + Pr + P Ãâ€"(r2/4) 5670 + 5670Ãâ€" (0.035) + 5670 Ãâ€" 0.0352 5670 + 198.45 + 1.7364375 = 5870.1864375 This is approximately ($5870.19) The problem 70 on page 311 has the following steps; (-93 + 32 – 15x) à · (-3x) The Dividend is (-93 + 32 – 15x), and the Divisor is (-3x). The Dividend is (-93 + 32 – 15x), and the Divisor is (-3x). -93 + 32 15x -3xAfter I divide -9 by -3 which equals +3. The x on the bottom cancels the x from the top. -93 + 32 – 15x -3x -3x -3x -9* x*x* x I am now left with 32 for the first part of the polynomial. -3 * x -9*x *x * x -3 * x I first divide 3 by -3, which equals -1 and the x from the bottom cancels out one of the x’s from the top. -93 + 32 – 15x -3x -3x -3x 3 *x *x At this point I am left with -1x, which simplifies to just –x, as the second part of the polynomial. Then -3 *x 3 *x * x -3 * x Then I divide -15 by -3, which equals positive 5, and the x on the bottom cancels out the x on the top, so you do not have any x’s to carry onto the answer of the equation. -93 + 32 – 15x -3x -3x -3x -15 *x At this point I am left with only 5 for the last part of the polynomial, and the answer is 32 – x + 5. -3 * x -15 * x -3 * x                   The negative sign from the -3 x changes the plus sign in the equation to a minus sign, it changes the minus sign to a plus sign in the final answer, and the equation is in Descending order. Reference Larson, R., Hostetler, R. P. (2009). Elementary and intermediate algebra. Boston, Mass: Houghton Mifflin Source document

Sunday, July 21, 2019

SCOR At Wal Mart | Analysis

SCOR At Wal Mart | Analysis The Supply Chain Operations Reference Model, or SCOR, was introduced by the Supply Chain Council to provide all companies a framework or tool they can use to improve their companys supply chain internally and externally. It allows supply chain managers to analyze their current situations as well as guide them to supply chain decisions for improvements and future resolutions. A major strength of the SCOR model is that it can be used across industries and applied to a variety of different companies. There are five levels in the SCOR model. The first level, the process types, includes plan, source, make, deliver, and return. These process types describe the overall scope and content of the SCOR model. The following levels further penetrate each of the process types to analyze their operations strategies, quantify and measure their processes, as well as provide tools for companies to develop new processes that will give their supply chain a competitive advantage as well as the ability to efficiently adapt to market changes. PLAN The first phase of the supply chain according to the SCOR model is the process of planning. Planning is a crucial first step to set-up, manage, and organize the processes necessary for a flexible and efficient supply chain. The planning phase consists of several processes such as demand forecasting, product pricing, and inventory management. Wal-Mart utilizes a sophisticated algorithm to calculate their forecasts that allows the company to forecast the exact quantities of each item to be delivered while taking into account each stores current inventory. This is also possible because of Wal-Marts computerized inventory structure that uses the Point of Sales (POS) system. This not only tracks all the companys inventory and stock at retail stores and distribution centers, it also monitors when products are sold and is able to predict the future quantities needed. It is this production scheduling and the ability to monitor inventory so closely that allowed Wal-Mart to accurately predict where, when and how much of a product will be needed and in turn develop a distribution network that works hand in hand with these needs. This reduces their costs by reducing leftover inventory and optimizing the transportation of their products by delivering only exactly what is needed. Super retailer Wal-Mart has spent considerable resource s to ascertain how best to minimize transportation costs. Efforts such as owning their own fleet, standardizing processes, and capitalizing on information technology have resulted in transportation costs that are 3% of total costs versus the industry average of 5%. By analyzing how to cut costs in all aspects of their transportation, Wal-Mart was able to pass these savings onto consumers and support their always low prices strategy. SOURCE The second phase of the supply chain, sourcing, focuses on the procurement of materials and resources. Choosing suppliers that best meet the companys needs is the main part of this phase. Transportation not only serves as a link between the company and its suppliers, but transportation providers are essentially a supplier in and of themselves as well. In this case as wal-mart is retailer it doesnt has to go for sourcing that is procurement of raw-material is not required. The suppliers in this case will be the companies who are selling their product through wal-mart retailers that are: Grand ocean star (Supplier of sea food it takes 5 to 10 days after order) Procter Gamble Co (it takes lead time range of 8.5 to 14.0 days to deliver the food product) Nestle Gillette Hewlett-Packard Johnson Johnson Kimberly-Clark Kraft Foods Nestlà © Purina Pet Care Unilever MAKE The third phase in the Supply Chain Operations Reference model is make, defined as the process that transforms a product to a finished state to meet planned or actual demand (Bolstorff Rosenbaum, 2003). There are three parts to this phase which include product design, production scheduling and facility management. Wal-Mart exemplifies how the construction of a product affects transportation costs. Wal-Mart recently asked its 60,000 suppliers worldwide that by 2008 they decrease the amount of overall packaging they use by 5%. Wal-Mart believes this packaging proposal will save the company $3.4 billion. When Wal-Mart previously did this in 2005 with the packaging of its private clothing label, Kids Collection, the company saved $3.5 million in one year. By reducing the amount of packaging, Wal-Mart is not only cutting costs, but they are reducing the weight and volume of their products. This increases the ability of their trucks to carry more per truckload, possibly even making less runs in a given day. Wal-Marts packaging decisions illustrate the direct impacts supply chain decisions and transportation can have on each other. Wal-Mart had just over 40 distribution centers located around the United States. Stocked in these centers were over 80,000 items. 50% to 65% of Wal-Marts competitors directly supplied the inventory to their retailers from their warehouses, in comparison to Wal-Marts 85%. Wal-Mart replenished their stores on average within two days compared to the five days their competitors took. The shipping costs were approximately 2% less of total cost than competitors (Chandran, 2003). The location of a facility can cut transportation costs dramatically as shown by the Wal-Mart example. DELIVER The fourth phase in the Supply Chain Operations Reference model is the delivery of the product. This phase is most associated with the role of transportation in the supply chain process as it is the most visibly connected. The delivery part of the process can be broken down into two different segments, order management and delivery scheduling. Transportation plays a role in each in that processes that provide finished goods and services to meet planned or actual demand, typically include order management, transportation management and distribution management Wal-Mart has a private fleet of their own truck drivers and by somewhat integrating backward in their supply chain, they have needed to become efficient in documenting and tracking their products. To do this, Wal-Mart employees use hand held computers, a form of EDI systems, which contain information about the products storage, packaging and shipping and eliminates the need for actual paperwork saving them time. Because there is no third party, Wal-Mart must self manage the ordering of their products with great accuracy. What makes Wal-Marts distribution process so efficient is that they use a logistics technique known as cross-docking .It breaks down the distribution of the products into five simple stages. The unique aspect of Wal-Marts system is that their drivers deliver the trucks to their distribution centers at specific times and set intervals. Their entire distribution system is a consistent flow of goods adjusted to the individual needs of each retail store. Wal-Marts delivery system works so well because it is developed in accordance with the demands of each store and the communication between each point allows the process to be effective. Wal-Mart believe that the widespread implementation of RFID technology marks a sea change in the supply chain, much as the introduction of bar codes was as seen as revolutionary two decades ago. But while bar codes can tell a retailer that it has two boxes of product XYZ, Wal-Marts EPCs can help distinguish one box of product XYZ from the next. This allows retailers greater visibility in monitoring product inventory from supplier to distribution centre to store. RETURN Most store items can be exchanged or refunded with a receipt within 90 days of purchase. Walmarts No Receipt policy applies to items returned in a store only. You have the option of a cash refund (for purchases under $25), a Gift Card for the amount of the purchase (for purchases over $25), a credit to your credit card or an even exchange for the product. We can make up to three No Receipt returns within a 45 day period. All merchandise sold and shipped by may be returned to a store within 90 days of receiving it. If there is an error on our part related to your order, we will issue a credit for your order and any applicable shipping and gift-wrapping charges. An item must be returned in the original manufacturers packaging, so we recommend you keep your packaging for at least the first 90 days after purchase. Plants, Food, and certain Health and Beauty items: To return perishable items, the following information is to be required and send to customer care link of wal-mart i.e Order number for the item Date of arrival Condition of item at time of arrival Detailed explanation of the issue

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Celine Dion :: essays research papers

Celine Dion, the youngest of 14 children, was born on March 30th, 1968 in Charlemagne, Quebec, Canada. Charlemagne is on the north shore of the St. Lawrence River, on the east end of the Montreal Island. She has Hazel eyes and is 5 feet 7.5 inches tall. Her qualities are self-determination, professionalism and discipline. She is so disciplined that she has actually spent three weeks without making any sound to give her vocal cords a rest. She does have her failings though. She is sometimes impatient, especially in the mornings. Her lucky number is five. She even keeps a five-cent coin that was minted in 1968, that she found on the ground. Her favorite perfume is Channel #5, and her favorite colors are black, white and red. Celine collects miniature cups and crystal objects. She also collects shoes, having over 400 pairs! She enjoys snow and water skiing, and roller blading. Her second career choice would be to be a professional model, and her favorite musical instrument is a piano. C eline’s favorite female singers are Natalie Cole, Barbara Streisand, and Ginette Reno, and her favorite male singers are Stevie Wonder and Micheal Jackson. Micheal Jackson even sent her a signed photo stating “To Celine with love.';, (Http:// and the hat he wore in the Billy Jean clip, which was also signed. Her first name comes from a song (Celine, sang by Hugues Aufray and written in 1966 by Vline Buggy) that her mother was singing while she was pregnant. Celine has a large family. Her mother is Therese Tanguay Dion, and her father is Adhemar Dion. She also has eight sisters: Denise, Claudette, Liette, Louise, Ghislaine, Linda, Manon, and Pauline. Her five brothers are Clement, Michel, Jacques, Daniel, and Paul. Paul and Pauline are twins. Celine’s family is very musical. Claudette, and Michel have both recorded albums, and Michel is part of a band named Le Show. Celine’s parents own Le vieux Baril (The Old Barrel), a piano-bar restaurant in their hometown. The children did waitressing and singing for the customers. Adhemar played the accordion and Therese played violin, while the children sang. Celine first stood on top of a table and sang a Ginette Reno song when she was only five! She also sang a song at her brother Michel’s wedding. The town’s people called her “la p’tite Quebecoise';, or “the little Quebecer';. When Celine was 12, she and her mother wrote the song Ce n’etait qu̵ 7;un reve (It was only a dream).

Analysis of West Side Story Essay -- Film West Side Story Movie Essays

Analysis of West Side Story West Side Story came out in 1961 as a melodramatic musical that took place in New York. It takes the same theme as Shakespeare's, Romeo and Juliet, in that it is about two lovers whose relationship is not accepted by others because of conflicting backgrounds. The artistic intensions of this film are implicitly stated everywhere throughout the film. All of the dancing, singing, acting and pretend fighting was done thoroughly and very well, although the miking and mixing during the pretend fighting did not seem realistic. Specific actors, dancers, and singers were trained and taught how to perform in order to get the message across to the audience that this West Side Story is not just a film, but a theatrical, musical, choreographed, work of art. Specific messages are portrayed in different art forms such as the way the Puerto Rican women dressed compared to the American women. The Puerto Ricans had fluffier, more brightly colored dresses than did the Americans and the Puerto Rican women made their own clothes. I lived in Mexico last summer and in my opinion, their authentic style of clothing still has those same characteristics. The exception was Maria, who was also not allowed to wear a brightly colored dress with a low cut neck because she was too young, and although she claimed to be an American girl now which would make her eligible for being more free and independent, or shall we say sexy, she still had to wear a conservatively cut white dress. A characterization was pointed out about American women being able do more and be less conservative than Puerto Rican women. The musical selections and songs that were sung told a story and narrated the almost the entire film, as is expected in... ...remember hearing Bernardo telling Maria that when she is an old lady with five children then she could boss him around. That statement in itself also holds true to the stereotype these people usually have a lot of children and this was brought up again in the song, America, when Anita asks how she will get all of her cousins into a car. I would say the target audience for this film would be people who enjoy musicals, no matter their age. The time lag would only have much of an effect for younger generations who do not remember the 1960's and the discrimination and the political actions that were being taken during that time period. The film is still a classic I would say because of all of the wonderful costumes, dancing, singing, acting, and clever story telling through songs. I can definitely see why this film was a popular success then as it still is today.

Friday, July 19, 2019

College Admissions Essay: Music is Life :: College Admissions Essays

Music is Life    Music has always been an important part of my life. During high school I have developed areas of service and leadership through interests in children and gardening, which will continue to be major parts of my life.    I began taking violin lessons at the age of four and have since shared my music with others in many ways. I have been in the community orchestra at Jacksonville University and am in the first violin section of the University of North Florida's string ensemble. When I performed on violin for 4-H's Share the Fun event, I placed first at the county and district levels and second at the state level, and was later asked to play at the 4-H Foundation Dinner and two Volunteer Recognition Dinners. The most unusual playing job I have had was when I played for a sale at Rhode's Furniture!    I have had several wonderful opportunities to work with children. At my school I enjoyed helping teach a young children's music class by playing songs for them, telling them about the violin, and helping them develop a love of beautiful music. I would enjoy continuing this as an adult. Last year I helped a kindergarten teacher in an underprivileged school, stapling papers and supervising children. I most enjoyed helping small groups learn the alphabet, supervising two children at a time as they tried to match the capital and lowercase letters and identify each letter.    My interest in plants came through watching and helping my grandmother in her gardens. Last summer, Jacksonville's historic Cummer Gardens needed workers, so I began volunteering there for several hours each week, planting new flowers, removing old ones, mulching, and weeding. My work there has inspired me to volunteer in other public gardens, such as those in libraries and nursing homes, in the future.    Several years ago I became involved in 4-H and entered their Horticulture Identification and Judging Competition. This program helped me learn how to identify many plants by their leaves, flowers, and other distinctive parts. I placed high in both county and district events, leading my team to the state level competition two years in succession.    Last year I put my expertise to practical use when I organized a 4-H community service project and volunteered in the Cummer Gardens in Jacksonville. In my community service project I taught two 4-H clubs how to plant and take care of potted pothos vines.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Dramatic devices in ‘An Inspector Calls’ Essay

J.B Priestly presents his play ‘An Inspector Calls’ with contrasting views of responsibility and guilt within the Birling family and the Inspector. He utilizes a variety of dramatic devices throughout the play to create tension between the characters. One of the many dramatic devices he applies is when the Birling family are interrupted by an inspector while having a celebration. Inspector Goole is a firm socialist, he strongly believes wealth should be shared equally between all people, for example Eva Smith. He sticks up for the poorer classes rights to freedom of life. I suggest Priestly communicates his views through the character of the Inspector as he has fixed feelings about fairness and equality of everyone. He states ‘With privileges comes responsibility’ showing the understanding of those who are well to do should take responsibility for those who are less fortunate. The Inspector is a powerful character in this play. He intimidates the Birling family and makes them seem dense. â€Å"He speaks carefully, weightily and has a disconcerting habit of looking hard at the person he addresses before actually speaking.† He looks sternly in to their eyes before interrogating them. This makes the characters feel insecure and agitated, giving the impression of being responsible or guilty of something. Goole is very confident and can come across naive. He speaks like he knows everything about the Birling family and tries to drain the truth out of them. This shows the inspector has a function within the Birling household, he is there to make the family realise they need to take responsibility for their actions. He shows a contrasting view of responsibility to what the family believe. They don’t consider taking responsibility as must. Goole displays no emotion and is calm throughout the whole play. When Mrs Birling says â€Å"you seem to have made a great impression on this child† He replies â€Å"coolly† and also â€Å"the inspector will take offence† He responds â€Å"cutting in calmly† Where as Mr Birling becomes very distraught towards the inspector and wants to receive a reaction from him. He sharply informs the Inspector â€Å"I Don’t like that tone† I imply Birling doesn’t think responsibility is something that he should require within him. But Shelia is diverse she is very distressed. Her character develops into disturbance when the inspector reveals the news about Eva’s death. She illustrates remorse towards Eva, by projecting responsibility and becoming saddened. Shelia is one of the few characters in this play who takes responsibility for her actions. She realises they have to change their attitude in life and tries to convince her parents, but doesn’t succeed. â€Å"The point is, you don’t seem to of learnt anything† â€Å"it doesn’t much matter who it was who made us confess† (flaring up) â€Å"between us we drove that girl to commit suicide† The inspector takes control of the pace, he demonstrate leadership within the Birling family, taking one query at a time. â€Å"Massively taking charge† Priestly does this to keep the audience on their toes, creating apprehension. This is another dramatic device in its self. Priestly interoperates the opposite views in the characters of Mr Birling and Inspector Goole. They are both dominant and prevailing. Mr Birling tries to take power of his home but Goole is much more controlling and takes power of the event. This shows there is a battle between the two. Mr Birling is a capitalist, he judges that man should look after himself and take no responsibility for others. This proposes he’s a selfish person and is out for himself only. He articulates â€Å"you’d think everybody has to look after everybody else.† This implies he is highly against socialism and refuses to take responsibility for his community. Mr Birling is extremely unaware of the consequences he will suffer for the reason of his self indulgent attitude. He likes to impress people, â€Å"I speak as a hard headed business man who has to take risks and know what he’s about†. He expresses his thoughts with no consideration, to determine how he assumes how important and dependable he is. But the Inspector presents Birling as if he has no importance to the community. He interrupts Mr Birling and his speeches numerous times. When Birling states â€Å"that a man has to mind his own business and look after himself and his own – and-† Priestley creates a dramatic devise by generating sound. â€Å"There was a sharp ring of the door bell† I propose he does this to confirm how self absorbed Mr Birling and his speeches are, or how he judges what Birling utters is erratic and immoral. The inspector physically challenges Mr Birling’s beliefs about responsibility using these interrupting sounds. Throughout this play Mr Birling doesn’t change his beliefs, his attitude and nor his actions. He refuses to take responsibility for what he had done to Eva’s life, how he began the chain of events leading to Eva’s tragic death. I believe Priestly formed a domino effect in these events, one leading to another, until the final stage, with Eva’s life at the finishing point. I suggest Mr Birling is set in his ways; he has just the one view of everything, a selfish view. He chooses his views to evolve them around himself and his life, trying to make himself more important. He desires people to think of him as a leader, a role model. He wishes they where devoted to him. On the other hand, Shelia’s attitude and actions change drastically towards the end of the play. At the beginning she was a spoilt child but now she has become a young woman. She realises, unlike her father, that everybody has responsibilities. She is the key character that is moral with the most truth and decency; she faces the facts and knows she has to change her behaviour. But she is ashamed of her parents and concerned they won’t. â€Å"I remember what he said, how he looked and how he made me feel. Fire and blood and anguish, and it frightens me the way you talk.† This gives me an impression of Hell; this is why Shelia is changing, she doesn’t want to repeat the dreadful experience she has had that evening. I imply J.B Priestley’s point in this play â€Å"An inspector calls† is People need to realise they have to change their attitude towards general things in life or people will suffer consequences.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Assignment: Wal-Mart Essay

Wal-Mart, the retail icon, victorious on yet other dodging when sitting somewhat comfortably, (a line of merchandise is neer comfortable or should non be so comfortable), especially when the champion to beat. announce dodge is as any strategy and that is with risk. An example of such risk is investment funds and the risk tolerance for each individual, conservative, moderate, or aggressive specific to goals. Wal-Mart is able to portion out the aggressive stance unless not necessary because of their national, soon-to-be (?), global success except can never consider permanent. As said, it is much more difficult to stay put on top than to work towards the top.The in vogue(p) ad campaign is one of a surprisingly risky and unique plan for Wal-Mart. Still attempting to disassociate itself from the negative mental picture of a discriminatory violator of employee rights and musician of extensive bribery allegations gave way to an, as interpreted, defensive almost thought-pro voking solvent from a seemingly nave, oblivious, and truehearted Lee Scott, CEO or one hardly too aw are and ill-doing driven angry. That is giving the CEO the social welfare of the doubt unless privy to undocumented test to refute the crimes allegedly committed. A extensive investigation into the bribery allegations includes that sometime in January 2006, the case had reached a critical juncture. Wal-Marts leaders were again weighing whether to respect a full investigation that would inevitably focus on a have executive already publicly discussed as a potential successor to Mr. Scott, (Barstow, David, 2012) the very(prenominal) quoted in the latest ad campaign.Wal-Marts ethics policy offered clear direction. neer cover up or brush aside an ethics problem, the policy states and some who were snarly in the investigation argued that it was time to understand a stand against signs of rising rot in Wal-Marts global operations. apiece year the company received hundreds o f inwrought reports of bribery and fraud, records showed. In Asia alone, there had been 90 reports of bribery just in the preceding 18 months. subsequently years of investigation that turned up distinguish upon evidence to validate corruption and illegal activity, ultimately resulted in swept under the carpeting acceptance and closing of the investigation.With the closing of another money= naturalness case offers the prospect to focus on the latest advertising campaign left to surmise its intent. approximately biased after a plan research of Wal-Mart remarkably did not hazard the initial perception and is as frankincense In response to, . . . when special-interest groups and critics spread misinformation close to Wal-Mart, the public deserves to hear the truth, everyone is entitled to their make opinions about our company, but they are not entitled to make up their take in facts. * The intent here is a We are so confident in our innocence of unsubstantiated allegations we can be so bold to lodge a recruit of ethics we abide by and cannot be reasonably denied upon and challenge anyone attempting. A passage of morals and ethics defended is one perception.* The attainable negative impact is the audacity Wal-Mart has to discriminate anyone what or how to think, act, or live. * Attempting to reach supercharge than their established target grocery store, a unseasonedspaper ad appeals to a different market that as of yet not a typical Wal-Mart shopper can validate this new strategy. * Creative execution, as interpreted, is the driving force of such a bold and challenging advertisement. Its effectiveness of this campaign has not rendered statistics to my knowledge, but as an already not affect by pricing, customer service, and the whole Wal-Mart obtain experience consumer, this advertisement does not mitigate their chances of my being a regular if at all customer.For a value shopper that I consider myself avoids Wal-Mart for reasons aforementi oned and the cleanliness factor, the employees lack of knowledge of products and location of products, and the much too lots out of stock issues encountered leaves desperation the only reason to shop in a Wal-Mart.Works CitedBarstow, David. (2012, April 21). Vast Mexico Bribery topic Hushed Up by Wal-Mart After Top-Level Struggle. Retrieved from New York Times http//